We purchased this product and it arrived with no damage. Upon opening the box, the instructions were missing. So I had to email the company and have them email instructions. It was late so the next day I received the email and instruction booklet. I printed it out and started the assembly. I got all the way to the assembly of the drawer and realized the drawer bottom was missing. I emailed the company the problem of a missing part. The responded the same day and shipped the drawer bottom the next day and I received it 2 days later. This was a wonderful experience from CCI upon making their product good and not having to return the whole item. I know things happen and this worked out with positive results. Way to go CCI. Love the new TV stand
Had Problems With Parts Missing
We purchased this product and it arrived with no damage. Upon opening the box, the instructions were missing. So I had to email the company and have them email instructions. It was late so the next day I received the email and instruction booklet. I printed it out and started the assembly. I got all the way to the assembly of the drawer and realized the drawer bottom was missing. I emailed the company the problem of a missing part. The responded the same day and shipped the drawer bottom the next day and I received it 2 days later. This was a wonderful experience from CCI upon making their product good and not having to return the whole item. I know things happen and this worked out with positive results. Way to go CCI. Love the new TV stand