I bought this rocker as gift for my daughter. It arrived the next day. She was able to assemble it quickly and easily. So far it has lasted 2 months and works really well while she is nursing her baby or putting the baby to sleep. I wasnt sure how comfortable it would feel but I have to say that it is a very comfortable rocker. I dont recommend the white because it does show dirt easily. She has not experienced any of the negative reviews that have been posted. It doesnt make a squeaking sound and all the parts arrived in the box. She was able to put it together in under 1 hour. The little ottoman is a nice addition for resting your legs but it is easier to rock with your feet on the floor.
good value for the price
I bought this rocker as gift for my daughter. It arrived the next day. She was able to assemble it quickly and easily. So far it has lasted 2 months and works really well while she is nursing her baby or putting the baby to sleep. I wasnt sure how comfortable it would feel but I have to say that it is a very comfortable rocker. I dont recommend the white because it does show dirt easily. She has not experienced any of the negative reviews that have been posted. It doesnt make a squeaking sound and all the parts arrived in the box. She was able to put it together in under 1 hour. The little ottoman is a nice addition for resting your legs but it is easier to rock with your feet on the floor.