I waited a couple of weeks after receiving the shipment to put it together, and was disappointed to find that one of the pieces for the chair base was broken nearly all the way down the middle (see first two photos). My bad I waited until I needed it to put it together. I still have high hopes for the product so Ive ordered a replacement. Will update review upon receipt of replacement.
Replacement arrived today. The box looked pretty beat up so I was worried this one would be damaged too, but upon opening, I could already tell something was different. This set came less assembled / all the cushions were separately packaged, and the wood pieces in separate boxes as well. So from what I could tell, my original shipment must have been a return. The buyer may have made a mistake while putting it together and just returned it citing a false reason for return.
The process wasnt fun, but what I have today meets all my expectations. Its not the greatest product out there, but that isnt what I paid for. One of the arm pieces doesnt align perfectly, and the arm cushions keep popping off (this may stop after a bit of use), but overall, it exceeds my expectations for what I spent! As long as it lasts long enough for me to get through the nursing days, Im happy!
Check Immediately Upon Receipt
I waited a couple of weeks after receiving the shipment to put it together, and was disappointed to find that one of the pieces for the chair base was broken nearly all the way down the middle (see first two photos). My bad I waited until I needed it to put it together. I still have high hopes for the product so Ive ordered a replacement. Will update review upon receipt of replacement. UPDATE Replacement arrived today. The box looked pretty beat up so I was worried this one would be damaged too, but upon opening, I could already tell something was different. This set came less assembled / all the cushions were separately packaged, and the wood pieces in separate boxes as well. So from what I could tell, my original shipment must have been a return. The buyer may have made a mistake while putting it together and just returned it citing a false reason for return. The process wasnt fun, but what I have today meets all my expectations. Its not the greatest product out there, but that isnt what I paid for. One of the arm pieces doesnt align perfectly, and the arm cushions keep popping off (this may stop after a bit of use), but overall, it exceeds my expectations for what I spent! As long as it lasts long enough for me to get through the nursing days, Im happy!