I am not happy with my chaise because the leg on the arm does not touch the grown and the foot leg on the left as well does not hti the ground. One chaise is all together the other is not yet. My grandson put it together and it is done right but it is defective. No way can we take it all apart after all the work and the box was damaged as well. Just wanted to let you know I am not a happy camper. I am 81 years old and just lost my husband of 56 years on the 18th of this month. Sad and unhappy. ??
I am not happy with my chaise because the leg on the arm does not touch the grown and the foot leg on the left as well does not hti the ground. One chaise is all together the other is not yet. My grandson put it together and it is done right but it is defective. No way can we take it all apart after all the work and the box was damaged as well. Just wanted to let you know I am not a happy camper. I am 81 years old and just lost my husband of 56 years on the 18th of this month. Sad and unhappy. ??