As with any furniture that needs to be assembled, there are many parts and it may seem overwhelming at first. However, all the parts are labeled, including screws that are needed for the different parts of the bed. It took me a couple hours to assemble it, but in part because I didn't pay close attention and used the wrong labeled part and had to unscrew and redo. Once assembled, the bed it sturdy and quite nice. My daughter loved the white since it matched perfectly with her new Hello Kitty bed set. My daughter has been sleeping in it comfortably now for the last couple of weeks and so I'm happy to have my bed back haha. Overall it's a great purchase and it appears to be well made, which means it should last for the time we intend to use it. I would definitely recommend it!
Easy to assemble and kid approved
As with any furniture that needs to be assembled, there are many parts and it may seem overwhelming at first. However, all the parts are labeled, including screws that are needed for the different parts of the bed. It took me a couple hours to assemble it, but in part because I didn't pay close attention and used the wrong labeled part and had to unscrew and redo. Once assembled, the bed it sturdy and quite nice. My daughter loved the white since it matched perfectly with her new Hello Kitty bed set. My daughter has been sleeping in it comfortably now for the last couple of weeks and so I'm happy to have my bed back haha. Overall it's a great purchase and it appears to be well made, which means it should last for the time we intend to use it. I would definitely recommend it!