We're transitioning our 2 year old from his crib to a toddler bed so our cookie on the way has somewhere to sleep at night when she's born and comes home. It's sturdy enough I think it'll last through both children and assembly was easy enough and came with all tools necessary. Weight limit is 50lbs which our big boy will outgrow sooner than later, but as soon as he learns to not jump on his bed I think it will be fine.
Great value and stylish
We're transitioning our 2 year old from his crib to a toddler bed so our cookie on the way has somewhere to sleep at night when she's born and comes home. It's sturdy enough I think it'll last through both children and assembly was easy enough and came with all tools necessary. Weight limit is 50lbs which our big boy will outgrow sooner than later, but as soon as he learns to not jump on his bed I think it will be fine.