Easy to assemble, great quality for a toddler budget bed
Items were packaged with great care. Everything was included in package - including a few spare hardware items. There were a few minor damages or cosmetic defects but I think that is to be expected considering the materials. If you look closely in the pictures you will see that the slats for the bed are not one solid piece of wood. Rather, the are straps of wood glued together and then cut and sanded. I think most of the damaged items had issues arising from this. The QR code takes you to a PDF version of instructions. I selected booklet A. It was much easier to follow and assemble the bed all by myself this way. Very easy... just took a bit of time. We just put this bed together so I'll update later with durability.
Easy to assemble, great quality for a toddler budget bed
Items were packaged with great care. Everything was included in package - including a few spare hardware items. There were a few minor damages or cosmetic defects but I think that is to be expected considering the materials. If you look closely in the pictures you will see that the slats for the bed are not one solid piece of wood. Rather, the are straps of wood glued together and then cut and sanded. I think most of the damaged items had issues arising from this. The QR code takes you to a PDF version of instructions. I selected booklet A. It was much easier to follow and assemble the bed all by myself this way. Very easy... just took a bit of time. We just put this bed together so I'll update later with durability.