Bought this for my grandson. It was not difficult to assemble. The hardware came packaged in separate compartments that were labeled. The instructions were good, imo -- they went step by step by step, methodically. I was able to assemble it myself with no issues.
None of the hardware was missing, and for the most part, the holes lined up. There was one slight issue with one of the middle support legs not quite fitting as snugly, however it did not affect the end result.
The hardware comes packaged with an Allen wrench. The only other tools you'll need are a small Phillips screwdriver and flathead screwdriver (details in the instructions). You should not have to use a power drill or anything like that.
I also bought a standard crib mattress for it that fits fine.
The quality is about what you'd expect for the price -- in my case this is a temporary toddler bed and we expect to replace it in a couple of years after my grandson grows out of it.
Decent enough for the price; not hard to assemble
Bought this for my grandson. It was not difficult to assemble. The hardware came packaged in separate compartments that were labeled. The instructions were good, imo -- they went step by step by step, methodically. I was able to assemble it myself with no issues. None of the hardware was missing, and for the most part, the holes lined up. There was one slight issue with one of the middle support legs not quite fitting as snugly, however it did not affect the end result. The hardware comes packaged with an Allen wrench. The only other tools you'll need are a small Phillips screwdriver and flathead screwdriver (details in the instructions). You should not have to use a power drill or anything like that. I also bought a standard crib mattress for it that fits fine. The quality is about what you'd expect for the price -- in my case this is a temporary toddler bed and we expect to replace it in a couple of years after my grandson grows out of it.