Overall Easy to assmeble, looks like expected, child loves it
The pieces came easy to assemble with directions, they are heavy while all in box so be careful when lifting box. Its small, my child can easily sit on it, get up on it and i am not worried about a long fall. The edges are rounded and nothing sharp sticks out. The sides are pretty short, so not quite as effective keeping child from falling out, but i like it better then nothing at all. I would buy it again, the price was good for what you got. I wouldn't sit on it though, it seems meant for child's weight.
Overall Easy to assmeble, looks like expected, child loves it
The pieces came easy to assemble with directions, they are heavy while all in box so be careful when lifting box. Its small, my child can easily sit on it, get up on it and i am not worried about a long fall. The edges are rounded and nothing sharp sticks out. The sides are pretty short, so not quite as effective keeping child from falling out, but i like it better then nothing at all. I would buy it again, the price was good for what you got. I wouldn't sit on it though, it seems meant for child's weight.