Very similar to a more expensive designer furniture version but half the price. It is very sturdy and looks adorable. Very solid and my husband and I have been in it with our toddler for bedtime/storytime and it feels solid. We added a mesh bed rail to make it safe for a toddler and also put a pack n play pad at the foot of the bed where there is a book slot built in so our toddler wouldnt get their foot stuck in there. Other than that weird book slot the bed is perfect and super cute. Does not look cheap
Very similar to a more expensive designer furniture version but half the price. It is very sturdy and looks adorable. Very solid and my husband and I have been in it with our toddler for bedtime/storytime and it feels solid. We added a mesh bed rail to make it safe for a toddler and also put a pack n play pad at the foot of the bed where there is a book slot built in so our toddler wouldnt get their foot stuck in there. Other than that weird book slot the bed is perfect and super cute. Does not look cheap