Save youre extra money and buy THIS!! Its so beautiful and comfy!
It came in a huuuge box which made me a little intimidated but once the box was opened, assembly was basically attaching the base to the seat. Both were heavy and sturdy feeling, and have held up perfectly so far! I got this for my daughters room as a gift and she sits in it every day. I also find it extremely comfortable and was happy that it wasnt a child size chair. Even my 210lb husband can sit in it comfortably, the base is very stable. I almost bought a chair like this at a furniture store before I found it here, and Im SO much happier with this one. It even has an attachment to raise and lower the seat. And the price is aming for the quality I would honestly buy it again as a gaming chair.
Save youre extra money and buy THIS!! Its so beautiful and comfy!
It came in a huuuge box which made me a little intimidated but once the box was opened, assembly was basically attaching the base to the seat. Both were heavy and sturdy feeling, and have held up perfectly so far! I got this for my daughters room as a gift and she sits in it every day. I also find it extremely comfortable and was happy that it wasnt a child size chair. Even my 210lb husband can sit in it comfortably, the base is very stable. I almost bought a chair like this at a furniture store before I found it here, and Im SO much happier with this one. It even has an attachment to raise and lower the seat. And the price is aming for the quality I would honestly buy it again as a gaming chair.