Super fast shipping. The seller shipped it to me fast as I had emailed them and they tried their best. Very thankful for that! The chair was super easy to assemble however when I got the chair the directions had a huge hole in the middle of the paper so kinda made it a little difficult but not a biggie. The chair is super cute as pictured. Comfortable and leans back very comfortable if wanted! Easy to adjust settings of chair. Would def recommend!
Def recommend
Super fast shipping. The seller shipped it to me fast as I had emailed them and they tried their best. Very thankful for that! The chair was super easy to assemble however when I got the chair the directions had a huge hole in the middle of the paper so kinda made it a little difficult but not a biggie. The chair is super cute as pictured. Comfortable and leans back very comfortable if wanted! Easy to adjust settings of chair. Would def recommend!