I love it! Its small, but Im a 52 /100lb lady so it works well for me. Sturdy enough for me. It looks exactly like the picture. Easy to assemble and light to move. It arrived less than 48h after I ordered it. I have carpet so it doesnt move much, but since its so light, youd need some sort of padding or weight if you dont have carpet and have big pets that could jump on it. Not the most comfortable to sit , but comfortable enough for what it is. A great looking piece of furniture for a great value, in my opinion.
Adorable and a great value
I love it! Its small, but Im a 52 /100lb lady so it works well for me. Sturdy enough for me. It looks exactly like the picture. Easy to assemble and light to move. It arrived less than 48h after I ordered it. I have carpet so it doesnt move much, but since its so light, youd need some sort of padding or weight if you dont have carpet and have big pets that could jump on it. Not the most comfortable to sit , but comfortable enough for what it is. A great looking piece of furniture for a great value, in my opinion.