I read the reviews before purchasing. It does seem very sturdy. I was very intimidated by the assembly instructions. Once I laid everything out by matching the letters, it assembled fast. Love the extra screws provided because one screw was faulty. I did as others suggested and placed plywood over the slats. I am very pleased with my purchase. Wish I would of went with a 10 inch mattress on top instead of an 8 inch though. This unit is perfect for my needs. I placed this in a room with a twin bed and now my guest room can accommodate 3
Very sturdy unit
I read the reviews before purchasing. It does seem very sturdy. I was very intimidated by the assembly instructions. Once I laid everything out by matching the letters, it assembled fast. Love the extra screws provided because one screw was faulty. I did as others suggested and placed plywood over the slats. I am very pleased with my purchase. Wish I would of went with a 10 inch mattress on top instead of an 8 inch though. This unit is perfect for my needs. I placed this in a room with a twin bed and now my guest room can accommodate 3