This is a really nice looking set. It was easy to put together and seems pretty sturdy. I've only had it for about a month so it remains to be seen how the wicker will hold up over the next couple of summers after being stored in an unheated barn for the winter. But so far I'm very happy. The cushions are pretty comfortable but I might invest in something a little thicker next summer. Some of the cushions seem to do a better job repelling water than others so you might want to order a can of Scotchgard if you order this set. Overall, I'm really thrilled that I found exactly what I was looking for at this price.
Exactly what I was looking for at a great price
This is a really nice looking set. It was easy to put together and seems pretty sturdy. I've only had it for about a month so it remains to be seen how the wicker will hold up over the next couple of summers after being stored in an unheated barn for the winter. But so far I'm very happy. The cushions are pretty comfortable but I might invest in something a little thicker next summer. Some of the cushions seem to do a better job repelling water than others so you might want to order a can of Scotchgard if you order this set. Overall, I'm really thrilled that I found exactly what I was looking for at this price.