Overall this is a beautiful product for the price! My only issue was the assembly of it. It was pretty difficult and some of the connecting holes to screw in didn't match. So two screws were not able to be added.
I don't think the sturdiness will be affected but I will update as time goes along.
Overall I think it fit really well in my space and I look forward to adding more stuff to spice it up and give it more life
Assemble could have been easier
Overall this is a beautiful product for the price! My only issue was the assembly of it. It was pretty difficult and some of the connecting holes to screw in didn't match. So two screws were not able to be added. I don't think the sturdiness will be affected but I will update as time goes along. Overall I think it fit really well in my space and I look forward to adding more stuff to spice it up and give it more life