We love our patio set! It is comfy and our young kids love how easy it is to sit at. It looks great too. My husband said the assembly process was not easy. It had one little tool it comes with to assemble most of it which sort of busted up his hands but he said it wasnt that bad. It took him a few hours to assemble. It feels really sturdy like it will withstand our 2 and 5 year old.
Still love our patio set, except when it rains it holds water for what feels like forever and you have to drain it.
Comfortable Patio Table Set
We love our patio set! It is comfy and our young kids love how easy it is to sit at. It looks great too. My husband said the assembly process was not easy. It had one little tool it comes with to assemble most of it which sort of busted up his hands but he said it wasnt that bad. It took him a few hours to assemble. It feels really sturdy like it will withstand our 2 and 5 year old. Update: Still love our patio set, except when it rains it holds water for what feels like forever and you have to drain it.