This is a very nice bunk bed set. Good quality and very sturdy. Everything fits together with no trouble and good hardware. The instructions are good and you should follow them exactly for ease of assembly. You will spend a lot more time and elbow grease if you use the enclosed allen wrench. We cut off the bend and used it in a drill to speed things up and save on wrist strain. There is no wobble at all once assembled. Plenty of slats, so a mattress is supported without an extra board on top.
Very nice, well built set.
This is a very nice bunk bed set. Good quality and very sturdy. Everything fits together with no trouble and good hardware. The instructions are good and you should follow them exactly for ease of assembly. You will spend a lot more time and elbow grease if you use the enclosed allen wrench. We cut off the bend and used it in a drill to speed things up and save on wrist strain. There is no wobble at all once assembled. Plenty of slats, so a mattress is supported without an extra board on top.