Love this bunk bed! We have had it for 3 months now and I am happy that I made the purchase and spent the extra money on a wooden framed bed. My daughter has slept on the top and bottom and it has been sturdy. The color is very pretty. The assembly does require at least two people, but the directions are spot on and not confusing at all. Would purchase again. The only thing that I would worry about is possibly taking it apart to move it one day. I bought 6 memory foam mattresses and they fit perfect without a box spring.
Sturdy, Nice Bed
Love this bunk bed! We have had it for 3 months now and I am happy that I made the purchase and spent the extra money on a wooden framed bed. My daughter has slept on the top and bottom and it has been sturdy. The color is very pretty. The assembly does require at least two people, but the directions are spot on and not confusing at all. Would purchase again. The only thing that I would worry about is possibly taking it apart to move it one day. I bought 6 memory foam mattresses and they fit perfect without a box spring.