I was hesitant on purchasing a bunk bed for many reasons, but once I was certain, I found this and am so happy I did! Its very sturdy and easy to assemble. A lot of pieces, but easy to follow instructions. I like that its not super chunky and takes up a lot of space. My boys bedroom is only 10x12 so this fit in perfectly, still giving them much room to play on the floor!
Also, it fits a size twin mattress, NOT a twin XL.
Excellent purchase!
I was hesitant on purchasing a bunk bed for many reasons, but once I was certain, I found this and am so happy I did! Its very sturdy and easy to assemble. A lot of pieces, but easy to follow instructions. I like that its not super chunky and takes up a lot of space. My boys bedroom is only 10x12 so this fit in perfectly, still giving them much room to play on the floor! Also, it fits a size twin mattress, NOT a twin XL.