The bed is not difficult to assemble and it is sturdy but the headboard is not as tall as it should be. The marketing photos are very deceiving. After putting it all together, I realized that the headboard looks 5/6 inches shorter than what is advertised in the photos and with my pillows on the bed, the headboard isnt visible at all. The entire reason I bought the frame was for the style of the headboard that I cant even see.
Headboard length
The bed is not difficult to assemble and it is sturdy but the headboard is not as tall as it should be. The marketing photos are very deceiving. After putting it all together, I realized that the headboard looks 5/6 inches shorter than what is advertised in the photos and with my pillows on the bed, the headboard isnt visible at all. The entire reason I bought the frame was for the style of the headboard that I cant even see.