This chair is extremely comfortable and my daughter loves it! It seems sturdy enough however, I hear creaks sometimes and get worried it will break eventually but so far so good. I only had it a couple days so we will see how it hold up. Also when there is a transition into new string where they are tied together the end of the string is taped off as to help with fraying. I would like to see a better transition because I am not so sure how well this will hold up in the long run but again we will see. Otherwise I love it and the test of time will see how well the quality is.
Relaxing Hammock chair
This chair is extremely comfortable and my daughter loves it! It seems sturdy enough however, I hear creaks sometimes and get worried it will break eventually but so far so good. I only had it a couple days so we will see how it hold up. Also when there is a transition into new string where they are tied together the end of the string is taped off as to help with fraying. I would like to see a better transition because I am not so sure how well this will hold up in the long run but again we will see. Otherwise I love it and the test of time will see how well the quality is.