Comes with 4 screws for concrete and 4 screws for wood, but they were extremely lightweight and just didnt feel sturdy enough to me. I purchased 4 new 3 galvanized steel screws and it felt much more secure and safe. The chair seems well made and sturdy enough for the price. I sat in this chair for almost 2 hours, almost fell asleep at one point I was so comfy. I definitely recommend!
Cheap screws but chair is awesome!
Comes with 4 screws for concrete and 4 screws for wood, but they were extremely lightweight and just didnt feel sturdy enough to me. I purchased 4 new 3 galvanized steel screws and it felt much more secure and safe. The chair seems well made and sturdy enough for the price. I sat in this chair for almost 2 hours, almost fell asleep at one point I was so comfy. I definitely recommend!