product was very easy to assemble. Came in the box just as pictured. In my opinion it is comfortable enough to sit or sleep on. Granted its not a luxurious king size bed but it is more than adequate to spend a few nights on. Perfect for a small guest bedroom. As for quality, only time will tell. I literally just gone done putting it together. It doesnt seem like there should be any issues as long as the furniture is not mistreated (large animals or people laying or jumping on it it, kids playing on it, etc.). If just used for calm sitting and/or sleeping and not for any naughty business I see no reason why this wont last for years.
Good Enough for me
product was very easy to assemble. Came in the box just as pictured. In my opinion it is comfortable enough to sit or sleep on. Granted its not a luxurious king size bed but it is more than adequate to spend a few nights on. Perfect for a small guest bedroom. As for quality, only time will tell. I literally just gone done putting it together. It doesnt seem like there should be any issues as long as the furniture is not mistreated (large animals or people laying or jumping on it it, kids playing on it, etc.). If just used for calm sitting and/or sleeping and not for any naughty business I see no reason why this wont last for years.