This is not a bad futon. Fairly sturdy. A bit smaller than I expected. It is about as comfortable as you would expect from a futon. It is just for my spare room for people who want to crash for a night or two, so for that, it is adequate. I would have given it 5 stars, but I took away one star because I feel that it is overpriced. With tax, etc., I paid $348.91. I feel like with the craftsmanship, general quality, etc. it should be priced at around $275. So, I feel like I overpaid by about $75.00. But, my dog has taken a liking to it, so I cant return it - LOL.
Not bad, but overpriced
This is not a bad futon. Fairly sturdy. A bit smaller than I expected. It is about as comfortable as you would expect from a futon. It is just for my spare room for people who want to crash for a night or two, so for that, it is adequate. I would have given it 5 stars, but I took away one star because I feel that it is overpriced. With tax, etc., I paid $348.91. I feel like with the craftsmanship, general quality, etc. it should be priced at around $275. So, I feel like I overpaid by about $75.00. But, my dog has taken a liking to it, so I cant return it - LOL.