This bed is fabulous. It is adorable and sturdy, solid wood. It did take a while to put together, but it had clear instructions and wasnt hard. 2 people were helpful. We have put together a lot of furniture lately and this one was very easy and well laid out. We did use both of the slats on the top bunk and just put the bottom mattress on the carpet since I think having them spaced so far apart isnt ideal, but it does have that bar in the middle, so I think it would have been fine if we hadnt, but I prefer a more solid base of a mattress. I am very happy.
Sturdy, cute solid wood bed.
This bed is fabulous. It is adorable and sturdy, solid wood. It did take a while to put together, but it had clear instructions and wasnt hard. 2 people were helpful. We have put together a lot of furniture lately and this one was very easy and well laid out. We did use both of the slats on the top bunk and just put the bottom mattress on the carpet since I think having them spaced so far apart isnt ideal, but it does have that bar in the middle, so I think it would have been fine if we hadnt, but I prefer a more solid base of a mattress. I am very happy.