It came in one box and I put it together myself in about 3 hours. The is high quality, although it did come with a small puncture. The bed is sturdy and, when put together right, is not loose or wobbly at all. I was slightly worried about the metal cross supports but they have held up over the past month quite nicely without me being too rough with it. Over all the quality of the frame for the price is aming and I definitely made a good choice in buying it.
Aming Value for Price
It came in one box and I put it together myself in about 3 hours. The is high quality, although it did come with a small puncture. The bed is sturdy and, when put together right, is not loose or wobbly at all. I was slightly worried about the metal cross supports but they have held up over the past month quite nicely without me being too rough with it. Over all the quality of the frame for the price is aming and I definitely made a good choice in buying it.