8 month old great grandson, who is a chunk, loves this swing.
Really like the entire swing, especially the rubber feed that even help if your porch is a little inclined. Our great grandson is 8 months old and weighs 25 lbs every time he sees it he gets so excited. Haven’t used it with sand bags for the feet yet but that was one of the main reason we purchased, just feel like that will give more sturdiness.
8 month old great grandson, who is a chunk, loves this swing.
Really like the entire swing, especially the rubber feed that even help if your porch is a little inclined. Our great grandson is 8 months old and weighs 25 lbs every time he sees it he gets so excited. Haven’t used it with sand bags for the feet yet but that was one of the main reason we purchased, just feel like that will give more sturdiness.