I bought one for a small counter space several months ago. I works so well I just bought another. This is a sturdy stool, and the swivel seat is quite nice. It is not flimsy or a lightweight cheap-o, and the price is excellent. I was impressed with how well it was packaged upon delivery, and the delivery was FAST! It is easy to assemble; just 12 screws. Note, it is easy, but a bit tedious to assemble, as the screws are in locations with tight turning radius. The allen wrench is included, so no tools necessary. It took maybe an hours from unboxing to final assembly, to clean-up. Tighten the screws as you would tighten the lug nuts on a car tire; tighten all of them a little at a time, then a final snugging up on all of them. The fabric is a bit of a light silver tone to it, nothing brashy though. The frame itself is more of a true white, with a matt finish. What a great bar stool!
Like it so much bought another!
I bought one for a small counter space several months ago. I works so well I just bought another. This is a sturdy stool, and the swivel seat is quite nice. It is not flimsy or a lightweight cheap-o, and the price is excellent. I was impressed with how well it was packaged upon delivery, and the delivery was FAST! It is easy to assemble; just 12 screws. Note, it is easy, but a bit tedious to assemble, as the screws are in locations with tight turning radius. The allen wrench is included, so no tools necessary. It took maybe an hours from unboxing to final assembly, to clean-up. Tighten the screws as you would tighten the lug nuts on a car tire; tighten all of them a little at a time, then a final snugging up on all of them. The fabric is a bit of a light silver tone to it, nothing brashy though. The frame itself is more of a true white, with a matt finish. What a great bar stool!