FunctionaL, good-looking, sturdy barstool (after personal upgrades to the hardware)
Relatively easy to assemble; however did need to buy replacement hardware as the hardware provided would easily strip out. We were very gentle screwing in to assemble but had to replace with bolts and nuts. The screws provided will not hold the assembled stool. Once replaced the stools are beautiful and functional. And aded plus is the adjustable feet so as to get rid of any wobbles.
FunctionaL, good-looking, sturdy barstool (after personal upgrades to the hardware)
Relatively easy to assemble; however did need to buy replacement hardware as the hardware provided would easily strip out. We were very gentle screwing in to assemble but had to replace with bolts and nuts. The screws provided will not hold the assembled stool. Once replaced the stools are beautiful and functional. And aded plus is the adjustable feet so as to get rid of any wobbles.