This is an excellent and practical triple bunk bed. I researched several options, and this one was the best fit for our layout. Despite its size, it is incredibly sturdy and holds up well. My husband attempted to assemble it on his own but ended up needing an extra set of hands. It took us around five hours, but we managed to get it done. Overall, I give this bunk bed five stars because it is a high-quality product that comes with clear instructions.
It’s nice
This is an excellent and practical triple bunk bed. I researched several options, and this one was the best fit for our layout. Despite its size, it is incredibly sturdy and holds up well. My husband attempted to assemble it on his own but ended up needing an extra set of hands. It took us around five hours, but we managed to get it done. Overall, I give this bunk bed five stars because it is a high-quality product that comes with clear instructions.