My daughter loves her bed! Its so sturdy and spacious. We have hers against the wall and it leaves her room having so much space that would normally be taken up by a bed. Underneath it is room for storage which is nice. This thing is very sturdy and secure. When my husband is reading to my daughter, it holds his weight (220lbs) very easily. Feels strong enough to hold more. Also, my daughter is a wild sleeper. So, its good to know she wont roll off it. Would definitely buy again!
Youll never want to buy another bed!
My daughter loves her bed! Its so sturdy and spacious. We have hers against the wall and it leaves her room having so much space that would normally be taken up by a bed. Underneath it is room for storage which is nice. This thing is very sturdy and secure. When my husband is reading to my daughter, it holds his weight (220lbs) very easily. Feels strong enough to hold more. Also, my daughter is a wild sleeper. So, its good to know she wont roll off it. Would definitely buy again!