This added counter space and storage. It looks nice when set up. Its feels very sturdy. Assembly was easy, but does take about 90 minutes by yourself. Most pieces were labeled and I easily figured out the pieces that werent by diagrams. I have a drill and used it for all the screws. There is use of the flimsy particle dividers in shelving and the back of the unit. but it was only 150, I expected some of that with the price range. The counter top was heavy and solid, body of the island is very solid too, the external shelves and not the flimsy boards either. The wheels lock real good too. Very pleased with the purchase. Very stylish and great quality!
Great Value Island Counter and Storage
This added counter space and storage. It looks nice when set up. Its feels very sturdy. Assembly was easy, but does take about 90 minutes by yourself. Most pieces were labeled and I easily figured out the pieces that werent by diagrams. I have a drill and used it for all the screws. There is use of the flimsy particle dividers in shelving and the back of the unit. but it was only 150, I expected some of that with the price range. The counter top was heavy and solid, body of the island is very solid too, the external shelves and not the flimsy boards either. The wheels lock real good too. Very pleased with the purchase. Very stylish and great quality!