Absolutely adorable. I placed them at my small kitchen island, and they were a tad too wide to fit under the space of the island when placed side by side. It didnt matter. I just positioned them a little differently so that it wouldnt appear odd. The middle of the chairs had a big indention that I kind of questioned, but it hasnt given anyone a splinter or tore any clothes yet. I believe it was part of the design. a little strange, but overall, I love these chairs!
Absolutely adorable. I placed them at my small kitchen island, and they were a tad too wide to fit under the space of the island when placed side by side. It didnt matter. I just positioned them a little differently so that it wouldnt appear odd. The middle of the chairs had a big indention that I kind of questioned, but it hasnt given anyone a splinter or tore any clothes yet. I believe it was part of the design. a little strange, but overall, I love these chairs!