The chairs are just as you see them in the seller photos. I was surprised of how sturdy they feel. I read a couple of complaints about putting them together, but I have none myself. My husband and I put them together and we found the task easy enough. The instructions provided could be more detailed but with a bit of common sense you figure things out. Once you put one chair together, the others you finish easier and faster. We got them November 2021 and so far so good and we use them everyday!
Just as described!
The chairs are just as you see them in the seller photos. I was surprised of how sturdy they feel. I read a couple of complaints about putting them together, but I have none myself. My husband and I put them together and we found the task easy enough. The instructions provided could be more detailed but with a bit of common sense you figure things out. Once you put one chair together, the others you finish easier and faster. We got them November 2021 and so far so good and we use them everyday!