The cabinet is a beautiful color and sturdy. Assembly took longer than I thought it would as the directions only included a picture by picture manual. One shelf was placed backwards as it was labeled with an arrow but did not say which way the arrow was supposed to go. I placed it backwards and had to disassemble then reassemble part of the unit. Other than that it was fairly easy to assemble. Love the cabinet. Its perfect for what I needed in the bathroom.
Perfect cabinet; directions, not so much
The cabinet is a beautiful color and sturdy. Assembly took longer than I thought it would as the directions only included a picture by picture manual. One shelf was placed backwards as it was labeled with an arrow but did not say which way the arrow was supposed to go. I placed it backwards and had to disassemble then reassemble part of the unit. Other than that it was fairly easy to assemble. Love the cabinet. Its perfect for what I needed in the bathroom.