Was easy to assemble and I was super excited when it arrived. However as I used the chair it slowly became less and less comfortable. In addition the Faux leather started to crack and peal after 6 Month of use. I use this chair on a daily basis / So I can say with certainty it did not hold up to daily wear and tear. It is a nice looking chair when I first got it. So best to put it together and set it in the corner for a guest to use occasionally. NOT suitable for long term and daily usage.
FAUX Leather does not hold up to DAILY use
Was easy to assemble and I was super excited when it arrived. However as I used the chair it slowly became less and less comfortable. In addition the Faux leather started to crack and peal after 6 Month of use. I use this chair on a daily basis / So I can say with certainty it did not hold up to daily wear and tear. It is a nice looking chair when I first got it. So best to put it together and set it in the corner for a guest to use occasionally. NOT suitable for long term and daily usage.