I was a little apprehensive about ordering such a large item through but Im glad I did. We love our rocker glider recliner. Its very beautiful, functional, and comfortable. It works perfectly in our nursery. It makes comforting our baby easier while keeping us comfortable too. It was very easy to build for my husband. it started making a creeking noise a couple of days in but my husband just pushed down on the top portion with a little pressure to better secure it and it instantly stopped. I like that itll look beautifully in our living room once its not needed for the babys nursery too. Much better than I was expecting
It wont disappoint!
I was a little apprehensive about ordering such a large item through but Im glad I did. We love our rocker glider recliner. Its very beautiful, functional, and comfortable. It works perfectly in our nursery. It makes comforting our baby easier while keeping us comfortable too. It was very easy to build for my husband. it started making a creeking noise a couple of days in but my husband just pushed down on the top portion with a little pressure to better secure it and it instantly stopped. I like that itll look beautifully in our living room once its not needed for the babys nursery too. Much better than I was expecting