Quality is very good which as many people know is not always the case with imports. It was easy to assemble, too. I left off both fenders and rear rack for now, which created a problem mounting the rear tail light. It does not unplug from the power cable like the front light, so i was forced to find a way to mount it without the rack. Ended up just zip/tying it to the frame behind the rear shock. Wish would have provided an optional bracket or allow it to unplug, because the rack is heavy which is a good quality, but I dont need it right now.
Very pleased so far
Quality is very good which as many people know is not always the case with imports. It was easy to assemble, too. I left off both fenders and rear rack for now, which created a problem mounting the rear tail light. It does not unplug from the power cable like the front light, so i was forced to find a way to mount it without the rack. Ended up just zip/tying it to the frame behind the rear shock. Wish would have provided an optional bracket or allow it to unplug, because the rack is heavy which is a good quality, but I dont need it right now.