The bike arrived fairly quickly. Nice packaging, straightforward assembly instructions . Took like 30 minutes to assemble it initially . Then I took a test ride and was surprised how fast the bike goes. I still need to tune gear shifters , but its not so critical. Just some ocassional noise from the back of the bike . For the money this bike costs , so far I can say it has a great value . Feels solid . I will take it to work and will update my review as it goes.
Attached a kid seat on the bike and took my son to the park with me and he loves it.
The only drawback is the weight. This bike is heavy for my wife to move around. Otherwise she likes how it handle.
Excellent bike for the price
The bike arrived fairly quickly. Nice packaging, straightforward assembly instructions . Took like 30 minutes to assemble it initially . Then I took a test ride and was surprised how fast the bike goes. I still need to tune gear shifters , but its not so critical. Just some ocassional noise from the back of the bike . For the money this bike costs , so far I can say it has a great value . Feels solid . I will take it to work and will update my review as it goes. Attached a kid seat on the bike and took my son to the park with me and he loves it. The only drawback is the weight. This bike is heavy for my wife to move around. Otherwise she likes how it handle.