I ordered this for my living room as a reading chair. It came well packaged, and was very simple to assemble by myself. Comfort/wise, its a bit stiff, but still very comfortable. The back came just under my head with me being 67 inches. The recline function is also stiff, which is good since it prevents accidental reclining. The seat is rather narrow, so it might not be as comfortable for those with larger hips. Looks atmospheric
Good reading chair
I ordered this for my living room as a reading chair. It came well packaged, and was very simple to assemble by myself. Comfort/wise, its a bit stiff, but still very comfortable. The back came just under my head with me being 67 inches. The recline function is also stiff, which is good since it prevents accidental reclining. The seat is rather narrow, so it might not be as comfortable for those with larger hips. Looks atmospheric