This bed is just what I expected. After reading reviews that said it was time consuming to put together I bought it knowing this would be frustrating. It took me over 3 hours to assemble mainly because the directions are terrible. Better directions and hardware that is more organized would shave a lot of time off assembly time. This one is a real pain in the back, you will spend hours hunched over working on this bed. Also, we were missing 1 wood screw and two bolts. In the end, its worth it. Its a sturdy, heavy bed that looks just like the pictures. It came on time and was packed very well. I arrived in three different boxes on three different deliveries so be aware of that too. I bought the King size in beige. Love it! What a surprise
This bed is just what I expected. After reading reviews that said it was time consuming to put together I bought it knowing this would be frustrating. It took me over 3 hours to assemble mainly because the directions are terrible. Better directions and hardware that is more organized would shave a lot of time off assembly time. This one is a real pain in the back, you will spend hours hunched over working on this bed. Also, we were missing 1 wood screw and two bolts. In the end, its worth it. Its a sturdy, heavy bed that looks just like the pictures. It came on time and was packed very well. I arrived in three different boxes on three different deliveries so be aware of that too. I bought the King size in beige. Love it! What a surprise