I think this desk overall is great. Its sturdy and has great color along with not being too bulky. The issue that I run into is that I got this for my son for school work but the handles are somewhat sharp and like most kids he moves a lot so hes gotten scratched a few times. I will likely have to change the handles so he and I can be comfortable as he uses this daily. Especially now. I would just be weary about that.
The handles are terrible.
I think this desk overall is great. Its sturdy and has great color along with not being too bulky. The issue that I run into is that I got this for my son for school work but the handles are somewhat sharp and like most kids he moves a lot so hes gotten scratched a few times. I will likely have to change the handles so he and I can be comfortable as he uses this daily. Especially now. I would just be weary about that.