Overall I am very happy with my purchase. The color is nice, very similar to the photo the seller provided and the size is perfect for my apartment. It is comfortable but just dont expect what you would expect from a $1000 couch. I would say the material in the smaller pillows is different from the bigger one. It is a bit less comfortable than the smaller ones but it does the work.
The reason that I am giving a 4 is the assembly instructions. They were not super clear and we made a mistake which took us 2 hours to figure out.
A decent couch for what you pay
Overall I am very happy with my purchase. The color is nice, very similar to the photo the seller provided and the size is perfect for my apartment. It is comfortable but just dont expect what you would expect from a $1000 couch. I would say the material in the smaller pillows is different from the bigger one. It is a bit less comfortable than the smaller ones but it does the work. The reason that I am giving a 4 is the assembly instructions. They were not super clear and we made a mistake which took us 2 hours to figure out.