First of all the shipping time was extremely fast. I purchased this item Monday night and received it Thursday morning.
Second, this item is easy to assemble except for the left arm rest part (beginning part). The instructions are backwards, you do NOT slide arm rest into couch bracket, you slide couch bracket into arm rest.
Next, the comfort of this couch is amazing. Its sturdy and so much more comfortable than the last couch I had.
My only NEGATIVE concern which is extremely upsetting but I am trying to move past it— the couch is smaller than expected. I was expecting the width to be a lot bigger than it was. Length wise is mice. But the width of the foot rest cushion and overall cushions are upsetting. I wont be able to have hardly any throw pillows on this couch because there wont be a lot of room to sit with too many pillows.
Smaller than expected.
First of all the shipping time was extremely fast. I purchased this item Monday night and received it Thursday morning. Second, this item is easy to assemble except for the left arm rest part (beginning part). The instructions are backwards, you do NOT slide arm rest into couch bracket, you slide couch bracket into arm rest. Next, the comfort of this couch is amazing. Its sturdy and so much more comfortable than the last couch I had. My only NEGATIVE concern which is extremely upsetting but I am trying to move past it— the couch is smaller than expected. I was expecting the width to be a lot bigger than it was. Length wise is mice. But the width of the foot rest cushion and overall cushions are upsetting. I wont be able to have hardly any throw pillows on this couch because there wont be a lot of room to sit with too many pillows.