Great trampoline, very sturdy, easy to assemble with two people!!!
We ordered this trampoline as a gift for our toddlers two year birthday!! We were so excited to get it in the mail and set it up for her and it could not have gone more smoothly. The box was a bit roughed up from shipping, but everything inside was in good condition. Between my husband and myself, we had it assembled in less than an hour, using all the tools included and needing nothing else! It is super sturdy and our daughter loves it. It is an upgrade (size and stability wise) from the mini trampoline we bought her about 6 months ago. for her jumping capacity she had begun to outgrow it and needed something more her speed. This trampoline is great now and she will continue to grow into it as she gets heavier. The trampoline mesh itself does not give as much as a larger diameter trampoline and for her light body weight she needs to jump pretty hard to bounce, but for now we are fine with her not reaching the ceiling!!! Seven feet does not seem like a lot, as compared to the larger 12/15 trampolines out there, but for a little one this size/height/weight, it is perfect and spacious!! Not sure how much well use it this summer as we are outside most of the time, but come this Maine winter, well be SO happy to have a place for her to jump off some energy!!
Great trampoline, very sturdy, easy to assemble with two people!!!
We ordered this trampoline as a gift for our toddlers two year birthday!! We were so excited to get it in the mail and set it up for her and it could not have gone more smoothly. The box was a bit roughed up from shipping, but everything inside was in good condition. Between my husband and myself, we had it assembled in less than an hour, using all the tools included and needing nothing else! It is super sturdy and our daughter loves it. It is an upgrade (size and stability wise) from the mini trampoline we bought her about 6 months ago. for her jumping capacity she had begun to outgrow it and needed something more her speed. This trampoline is great now and she will continue to grow into it as she gets heavier. The trampoline mesh itself does not give as much as a larger diameter trampoline and for her light body weight she needs to jump pretty hard to bounce, but for now we are fine with her not reaching the ceiling!!! Seven feet does not seem like a lot, as compared to the larger 12/15 trampolines out there, but for a little one this size/height/weight, it is perfect and spacious!! Not sure how much well use it this summer as we are outside most of the time, but come this Maine winter, well be SO happy to have a place for her to jump off some energy!!