This bed is in our guest bedroom. I was looking for something that would take up a small amount of space when it wasnt being used but provide ample space when guests were here. This is perfect for a dual space since our guest bedroom doubles as an office. This bed is loud and squeaky. I would not recommend it as a daily use bed because I dont think it would last long.
It was easy to assemble. My husband and I did it in about 3 hours. We used (2) 6 inch mattresses. You get what you pay for
Great for Guest Bedroom
This bed is in our guest bedroom. I was looking for something that would take up a small amount of space when it wasnt being used but provide ample space when guests were here. This is perfect for a dual space since our guest bedroom doubles as an office. This bed is loud and squeaky. I would not recommend it as a daily use bed because I dont think it would last long. It was easy to assemble. My husband and I did it in about 3 hours. We used (2) 6 inch mattresses. You get what you pay for