Easy to assemble, nice quality, good directions, well labeled parts. Our old bed frame was solid wood and not designed for newer mattresses. We bought a new box spring support for it which was basically a wooden frame with a dozen small boards across it. The squeaking was awful. You literally couldnt roll over without noise. The wife encouraged me to get rid of it and I picked out this bed frame. Wonderfully quiet and slightly taller than our old one but not squeak free. We do live near railroad tracks which shakes everything so that is an obstacle to overcome right from the start. I think that I could probably tighten up some of the bolts and make it nearly silent again or maybe use Loctite or something to keep everything nice and snug. Overall, very satisfied with the purchase. Awesome product.
Cant say it is squeak free
Easy to assemble, nice quality, good directions, well labeled parts. Our old bed frame was solid wood and not designed for newer mattresses. We bought a new box spring support for it which was basically a wooden frame with a dozen small boards across it. The squeaking was awful. You literally couldnt roll over without noise. The wife encouraged me to get rid of it and I picked out this bed frame. Wonderfully quiet and slightly taller than our old one but not squeak free. We do live near railroad tracks which shakes everything so that is an obstacle to overcome right from the start. I think that I could probably tighten up some of the bolts and make it nearly silent again or maybe use Loctite or something to keep everything nice and snug. Overall, very satisfied with the purchase. Awesome product.