Very impressed with this bunk. All holes lined up. Sturdy. True white. Sturdy hardware. The packaging of the parts was excellent which in my experience is a sign of a quality product. One tip, buy some better screws for the slats and use a screw gun. Broke a screw which I will blame myself as it clearly states not to use power tools. That was the only part I used a power tool. For the price you will not find anything better. For the reviewer who said they didnt receive white plugs, there are none and the picture clearly shows that. Does it diminish the appearance? Absolutely not. Style and purpose
Very nice bunk for the price!!
Very impressed with this bunk. All holes lined up. Sturdy. True white. Sturdy hardware. The packaging of the parts was excellent which in my experience is a sign of a quality product. One tip, buy some better screws for the slats and use a screw gun. Broke a screw which I will blame myself as it clearly states not to use power tools. That was the only part I used a power tool. For the price you will not find anything better. For the reviewer who said they didnt receive white plugs, there are none and the picture clearly shows that. Does it diminish the appearance? Absolutely not. Style and purpose