The product looks just like the picture. The bottom wood where the mattress lay on doesnt seem too sturdy/strong. Its okay for little kids since they dont weigh that much. Its a little sqeeky but not too bad. I think thats expected with the material. Packaging kept the pieces in good condition. Assembly was around 2 hours with 2 people. Everything was labeled including the individual bags for each type of screw/piece. Customer service is good and quick to respond to questions. Everything fit in place perfectly. Fits a six inch twin bed with extra space left over so the kids dont roll out easily. We put cardboard under the mattress for a more sturdy feel, does help. Keep the cardboards from the packaging to lay underneath the mattress for the bunk beds. I would recommend this bed because it my familys needs as of price and space. It would be cool if the ladder has options to set it against the bed rather than sticking out like the picture. Its a good product
Good for its price. Good for kids.
The product looks just like the picture. The bottom wood where the mattress lay on doesnt seem too sturdy/strong. Its okay for little kids since they dont weigh that much. Its a little sqeeky but not too bad. I think thats expected with the material. Packaging kept the pieces in good condition. Assembly was around 2 hours with 2 people. Everything was labeled including the individual bags for each type of screw/piece. Customer service is good and quick to respond to questions. Everything fit in place perfectly. Fits a six inch twin bed with extra space left over so the kids dont roll out easily. We put cardboard under the mattress for a more sturdy feel, does help. Keep the cardboards from the packaging to lay underneath the mattress for the bunk beds. I would recommend this bed because it my familys needs as of price and space. It would be cool if the ladder has options to set it against the bed rather than sticking out like the picture. Its a good product